
Karen Ann Friedman, MD
Program Director

When you graduate from our program, you’ll be fully prepared to provide high-quality medical care independently and with confidence. You’ll also have every opportunity to grow as an educator and to develop as leader. We are genuinely proud of every one of our residents, of their remarkable experience and accomplishments.

Keep in mind that it’s impossible to capture the Northwell Health experience in such a limited space. The quality of the teaching, the beautiful setting, the warmth of bright, supportive peers, the commitment of staff and administration, including the support that frees up our trainees to focus their time and energy on learning…these don’t come through in the facts and figures but they’re major factors in our success. That’s why we hope that you’ll be in touch with us – to ask questions, request an interview, or get help with the application process. Meanwhile, we wish you well on your professional journey and thank you for your interest in our program.