We have incorporated resident wellness into our curriculum to reduce burnout. Our program seeks to improve resident well-being across four major domains: professional, physical, psychological and social. We have designed and implemented educational strategies and interventions targeting each domain. We have an ongoing commitment to maintaining house staff well-being and actively monitor resident burnout.
As a part of our commitment to resident wellness, we have topics built into our noon conference series. Once a month, a noon conference slot is set aside for a wellness talk, session or activity. Prior sessions have included intern/resident focus groups, reflective writing, therapeutic massage, team building games, mentorship activities, aroma therapy and meditation. We also have implemented numerous activities outside of work, including our running club, BBQs, hikes and happy hours. We understand that residents need time away from work outside of vacation, so all interns and residents in our program are given four “wellness days” per year. These are days without any clinical or program responsibility so trainees can spend time for themselves.
Our curriculum is continuously reviewed and revised with the guidance of our Wellness Committee. This committee is composed of residents from all years of training as well as a chief resident and an associate program director. Committee members are asked to solicit input from their classmates prior to meetings.
The firm system
All residents spend one week out of every five in clinic, as a part of a 4+1 model of resident education. Residents therefore are assigned to one out of five “firms.” Each firm consists of a group of residents who rotate through ambulatory medicine together every fifth week. This firm groups, that rotate together over the course of the entire three years of residency form very close friendships and peer mentorship relationships.
New this year, each firm will compete against each other over the course of the academic year as a part of Firm Wars. Points will be awarded for attendance at academic conferences, publications in peer-reviewed journals, community outreach events, and social gatherings with members of the same firm. At the end of the year, to complete Firm Wars, there will be a competitive field day.